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The spring water Agua de Sousas can be found at a height of 381 meters above sea level in the town of Verín, in the northwest of Spain and situated close to the Portuguese frontier, in the autonomous region of Galicia.

Aguas de Sousas is mainly characterized by its weak mineralization (50 to 500 mg. of dry residue per liter), thus promoting the elimination of toxins, oxalic acid, uric and phosphoric.

It is a bicarbonate water (facilitates digestion), and slightly fluoridated (has antiseptic properties). The existing magnesium balances the C.N.S. (central nervous system) and enhances brain activity, while potassium is responsible for storing the nitrogen.

It is a eupeptic water, activates the secretion of gastric juices and facilitates digestion; is ideal for slimming treatments, as it promotes diuresis and no calories.

All these properties will provide beneficial health effects, suitable consumption for the elderly, treatment of kidney (kidney stones), hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and infant food preparation.

Water classified as Sodium Bicarbonate with Weak Mineralization. Agua de Sousas, meets all technical and sanitary requirements, following a system of quality management based on ISO 9001:2008 and 14001:2004 Environmental.